Herbline Skin Care Products

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Skin Care
The human body constitute about 80% water, Therefore it becomes logical to assume that all processes inside the body operate better in the presence of adequate moisture. The human skin is complex tissue that acts as a bamer between man & his environment helps keep the thermostatic control excretes waste products and prevents the aggressors from getting into the body. The look and health of the skin also reflects the health and well-being or ill-being of the person and greatly contributes to the "looks" of the person. It therefore become essential that due care be taken of the skin.

Skin Types: Ayurveda clearly defines the outwards looks of the skin of a person, depending upon his basic body make up or constitution.

Pitta Skin: is oily skin, a little flushed, prone to acne, but wrinkles slower - so usually smoother.

Kapha Skin: is normal skin, or combination skin, usually smooth to medium.

Vata Skin: is generally dry & tight skin. Looks good when young, but wrinkles fast and looks dry.

Then ofcourse there is classification by age on each skin-type. Young skins are smoother and more radiant and tight and with increasing age skin tends to become more lax, duller and gather together in wrinkles.

Generally the person himself / herself knows the predominated skin type he or she has: otherwise a good look from you can easily determine the skin type a person has correlated with age.

The kind of treatment or care that each skin-type require varies according to the predominant skin type or condition and the Product Selections Guide will help you in determining the exact regimen to use and in product selections for each customer.

While promoting Herbline skin treatments you do not expect to change the personality or life-style of a person, however you could as a therapist recommend the following.

1. General Health & Habits: Good general health & habits reflect upon the skin immediately, So recommended a mild exercise in open air, say a walk in the morning along with a health diet full of green vegetables and roughage. A good quality of water (say 3 to 4 liters a day) is a must to detoxify the skin and keep the internal organs & skin hydrated. In intense heat, dry winter or air-conditioned environment this could go up to 5 Litters a day. Tense person or those under stress should be advised to try "Dhyana" or meditation. Remember Ayurveda suggests a composite care internal, external, and mental for overall well-being and health.

2. Cleansing of Skin: A clean skin looks better & performs better, i.e. it can help itself remain healthy through good breathing right natural pH and good excretion of wastes that do not accumulate under the skin to cause problems Depending on the skin type. Cleansing milk, Astringent or Skin Tonic can be used to deep-pore cleanse the skin on the exposed parts of the body. For the rest of the body a mild soap is good. (Herbline will shortly introduce Special Herbal Soaps for different types of skin)

3. Skin Hydration: Moisture is essential for the skin. It has to be delivered differently for different types of skin, day use for light hydration, night use for therapeutic hydration, it might need to be delivered differently in different weather & seasonal conditions. Your product selection Guide provides the recommendations.

4. Rejuvenation: This implies the rebirth (or exposing ) of new skin which is young and fresh. To remove the debris of collected dead-skin, pore-clogging oils & waxes, dirt & grime, to mildly scrub off scars tissue and to expose the true and fresh skin on face and body, it is essential to use a dermabrasion or exfoliation treatment once in a while. Herbline Scrubs, suited to each skin are excellent in performing this function. Detail are in the product notes.

5. Special Therapy: Skin which are maturing and the ones with special typical problems require special treatment and therapy. Herbline produces special Therapeutic products to address these problems. Your product selection Guide & Product Notes under each product will help you in learning more about these and their use.

Product Categories

Skin Tonic Cucumber
Aloe Vera Cleansing Milk
Aloe Vera & Honey Moisturising Lotion
Nourisihing Cream
Skinele Oil