Herbline Hair Care Products

Philosophy | Hair Care Products | Skin Care Products
Shampoo | Conditioner

The structure of hair is like that of the scales on the skin of a fish - that is overlapping scales around a central core called the cortical. Smoother overlapping and undamaged structure of this makes the hair look shiny and smooth and leads to easy combing while a tangled or roughed-up structure makes the hair look rough and dull and makes it difficult to comb as it causes interlocking of hair and make it "knotty".

The type of hair, its color, the age for its graying and its retention on the head is normally inherited and depends upon the genetic makeup of the person. However there are few external factors which contribute to the health of hair, its behavior and its looks.

1. Cleaning:
When hair is shampooed the action of water and shampoo makes the scales of the hair open up and then the shampoo emulsifies the excess sebum, dirt & grime and washes these off on rinsing. A shampoo must perform this basic action without excessively de-oiling the hair, otherwise the hair gets rough. Some of the shampoos contain added foam-boosters and stabilizers which, though they feel psychologically more effective due to excess foam, tend to over-strip the hair and thus leave it dry, rough and "knotty". HERBLINE shampoos are made of a mild cleansing base derived from Palm or Coconut and are gentle in action. They do not contain any other boosters.

2. Herb Treatment:

While the hair is "open" during shampoo, it is easier & more effective to transfer the effects of the herbs or additives to the hair because the scales are open and a deeper access to the hair shaft is available. This is when the herb-extracts in Herbline shampoos do their job. That is why we recommend that the shampoo be allowed to remain on the hair for about a minute after lathering and then rinsed off. A mild "Conditioner" is added to all Herbline shampoos which neutralizes the positive charge left on the hair after a shampoo, thus preventing it from getting "Frizzy" on drying.

3. Intensive Conditioning with an Intensive Hair-Conditioner:

Involves further neutralizing the positive charge (if left behind), adding more body and smoothness to the hair through a non-oily micro-coating of a waxy substance and closing the hair-shaft tighter so that the hair looks more shiny, is smoother to comb and does not attract & trap excessive dirt. Herbline Intensive hair-conditioners perform this action very efficiently. The effect of the herb-extracts is carried through and intensified if a matching hair-conditioner is used .

4. Hair Dressing:

Most people do not use a hair dressing while some prefer to use some form of an oil or a non-oily gel, mousse or spray to keep hair tidy and shaped and held in the manner they like. Herbline Hair Gel gives a mild hold & provides the requisite results while delivering the anti-dandruff and anti-interactive properties of herbal-extracts.

5. Special Treatments:

Special treatments like an oil massage, overnight oil application or hot oil treatment do add health to the scalp & hair through stimulation if a nourishing oil is used through nourishment. Herbline hair oil is a very potent Ayurvedic restorer of hair & scalp health.

NOTE: Some special treatments to hair, like Perming and Blow-dry Shaping tend to manipulate the hair-shaft and thereby damage the smoothness of hair and tend to make it rough. The problem is usually caused by damage to the scales of the hair due to over-drying, which results in hair getting disorganized and tangled. Intensive conditioning is a must for this type of hair and can ease the problem.

HAIR LOSS: About 30% of hair on the head is renewed every 3 to 4 months. This implies that each one of us gets a new head-of-hair every year. So some hair-fall is natural and normal. With age the process of re-growth of new hair slows down and one tends to get thinner on the 'top'. This also is normal. In Ayurveda, some herbs have been prescribed which slow down the thinning process and in fact, can revitalize the follicle to produce healthier hair. These have been described in the individual product notes.

However, the condition of the general health of a person does make a difference to the hair-health. Mild exercise in open air, good nutrition and a tension-free mind help hair-health. One of the largest causes of excessive hair-loss (specially in women) is Anemia (low Hemoglobin). Checking and taking care of this usually reverses the excessive hair-loss.

Massage and overnight application of Herbline Hair Oil promotes hair growth, prevents hair loss and reactivates sluggish or weak hair follicle to produce healthy hair.

Product Categories

Aloe Vera Shampoo
Henna Liquorice Shampoo
Walnut & Henna Shampoo
Embellica Shampoo
Margosa Shampoo

Aloe Vera Intensive Conditioner
Henna Liquorice Intensive Conditioner
Walnut & Henna Intensive Conditioner
Embellica Intensive Conditioner
Margosa Intensive Conditioner