Herbline Philosophy

Philosophy | Hair Care Products | Skin Care Products

    HERBLINE product range evolved after extensive research and experimentation on the potent healing curative and corrective properties of herbs, their extracts, and oils, on the skin & hair as laid down in Ayurveda. To marry these properties with the latest international dermatological approved standards, association was obtained with Stamford Brands UK. The product are manufactured under FDA approval and meet with all FDA standards. Care is taken to use only natural, or naturally derived bases and ingredients as far as possible. It has been ensured after long experimentation that the active properties of the herbal ingredients are not suppressed or compromised with in anyway by the formulation or preservation and that the products deliver the results that the herbs promise. The basic philosophy of activating the body to help itself o that healing and correction take place from within, gives long-lasting and satisfying results from all HERBLINE products HERBLINE products are not tested on animals and the packaging uses recyclable materials.