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Zimbabwe Dollars

Filed under: Knowledge — Kumail @ 11:00 PM

Zimbabwe is a country in south of Africa.

In Zimbabwe, they use Zimbabwe Dollars(Z$), and it was quite interesting so I would like to shere about it today.

First, take a look at this picture.

At first, I thought that he won the lottery or something…

You might not believe it but, actually he is just going for shopping. As you can see, he is carrying a bunch of cash.

In 2008, they printed the 200,000Z$ money.

and then, it gradually increased more and more `0`s. With the money in the picture above, you can only buy about three eggs.

And in January, 2009, they printed `100,000,000,000,000`Z$. At that time, they actually used it normally.

but right now, there is only 1-500 Z$ notes there.

1件のコメント »

  1. These guys here still sell the Zimbabwe Dollar. Rather or not it has any value seems to be a matter of perspective! MANY Dealers in the US are selling the Zimbabwe Dollar at extremely high prices right now! Here in the US, the Zimbabwe Dollars has more than tripled in value in the last 9 weeks alone!

    Cheapest Dinar specializes in showing you how to purchase collectible foreign currency online such as the Iraqi Dinar, Vietnam Dong and Zimbabwe Dollars online! We make the process of buying Iraqi Dinar currency, Vietnam Dong or Zimbabwe Dollars easy and stress free.


    コメント by Cheapest Dinar — 2013年11月28日 @ 8:43 AM

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